IFC-PPP Videos


International Finance Corporation asked MED-bites for two videos that showcased Medall’s Private Public Partnership with State Governments of India, namely Andra Pradesh and Jharkhand, to share as a case study. IFC wanted on ground visuals displaying the quality of Medall’s diagnostic infrastructure, the impact the Private Public Partnership (PPP) had in each city, patient experience using Medall Diagnostic Centers, and interviews with doctors and medical technicians. They also wanted to showcase how their affordable healthcare with Medall, helped the government identify illnesses and save lives in the respected states. The key criteria was each video must not exceed 10 minutes.


The challenge was to obtain on ground visuals of diagnostic centers in North and South India simultaneously, and deliver two final outputs in 10 days.  MED-bites, based in Chennai, India, was faced with major obstacles like language barriers and commute time especially with a 10-day time constraint. 


MED-bites understood that two teams had to work on this project simultaneously to meet the requirements and deadline. Starting off with brainstorming meetings with the Project Coordinators in Medall, as well as video and phone conversations with on ground doctors and medical technicians in the respected cities, MED-bites quickly scripted a video that captured the essence of the Private Public Partnership that IFC wanted to showcase. 

Within 2 days of brainstorming and ideation, a storyboard was put in place and approved by the client. By day 3, two teams were briefed on the shots required and were flown out to Vizag, Andra Pradesh and Ranchi, Jharkhand. Meanwhile in Chennai, the video voice over was dubbed and mastered. The teams returned to Chennai by day 5 and started work immediately. Once the rough cut of the videos were in place, a separate audio line was exported for remastering with interviews and sound effects. The video visuals were color corrected at the same time. Finally, on day 9, the audio and video were synced for the first cut demo. The client was quick to respond on minor corrections, and the HD output was exported and delivered on day 10.  


MED-bites has an incredible turnaround time without compromising quality. MED-bites unique team of medical content writers and video producers made a challenging project like this possible. 

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