Medall: Chennai Reference Lab SOP Posters

Medall’s CRL is a 30,000 sq.ft. state-of-the-art lab in Guindy, Chennai. Medall came to MED-bites with a requirement of making their SOP posters and mundane protocol look catchy enough for people to read and follow it. Medall felt stock images and medical visuals were overdone and wanted a fresh and fun new way to communicate their message.
The content MED-bites was asked to visualize was mundane lab protocol like washing hands, wearing masks, tying hair, etc. that most employees already knew about but often overlooked. How can you make this content fun and eye-catching? Other content was related to machine maintenance, SOPs of the lab, organizational accreditations, HR announcements, etc. Once again, most of the content was already known to the employees but visuals had to be put in place to reiterate them without looking repetitive.
MED-bites understood the audience working at the CRL enjoys regional media and films. After getting the content that was necessary to communicate, MED-bites’ creative team visualized each point with a reference to a regional movie without compromising the scientific relevance. In addition, custom posters with photos of employees unveiled the SOP for each machine and other specified content, creating quite a bit of excitement in the organization.
MED-bites can make mundane medical SOPs, policy communication, and protocol unbelievably creative without compromising technical and scientific relevance.